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Each week I’ll introduce you to different members of the Norwich network whose experiences span more than 70 years. No two guests are alike. But they all have at least one thing in common with you—their lives and careers were shaped by their time on the Hill in Partridge’s Corps of Cadets.

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Randall H. Miller NU ’93, MDY ’07

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Previous Guests include:

Rev Wick, John Riggs ’67, Colonel Timothy Donovan ’62, Alison Lanz ’10, Colonel Dom Ruggerio ’61, Pete Hynd ’94, Peter LaFrance ’74, Colonel Pat Cox ’92, VP of CGCS, Bill Clements, Charlie O’Neil ’94, LTC Dennis Downey ’81, Michael McCarthy ’93, MAJ Robert Fabich ’07, Brian Dunne ’13, Cadet Colonel Ethan Hagstrom ’20, David Olson ’86, LTC Chris Cadigan ’95, Jack Abare ’57, Jake head ’97, Robert Fabich ’07, Bill Lyons ’90, Paul Berntsen ’84, Byung Kim ’99, Rose Bernheim ’14, Colonel Don Paquin ’93, Colm Walker ’05, Colonel Matt Braman ’95, Bill Passalaqua ’88, Chris Halleron ’96, Jillian O’Hara ’13, Jon Allen ’94, Aiden Cruz ’20, Kevin Mercadante ’77, Joey Mac Dizon ’11, Steve Gagner ’03, Sara McGuire ’01, Joe Reagan ’04, Ashley Barber ’13, Norwich President Mark Anarumo, Sam Philbrook ’13, Amanda Lopez ’09, Dr. Tobi (Knobs) Gilbert ’90, Brian Gibbons ’99, Cadet Colonel Caleb Miller ’21, George Freeman ’94, Ken Johnston ’82, Cadet Colonel Caleb Miller ’21, Pastor Jason Stump ’98, President Anarumo’s Second Appearance, Gary Appleby ’90, Clarke Haywood ’12, Chris Collins ’97, Drew Paulson ’13, Lowell Price ’93, Steff Ulrich ’13, Tony Agnitti ’84, Marty Suydam ’65, Hugh McLaughlin ’87, Jakon Hays ’94, Matt Romei ’98, Rob Hennessey ’93, Rebecca Weaver ’13, Jeramy Brock ’12, A.J. Diaz ’10, Todd Kibbee ’90, Ricky Sarmiento ’13, Norwich Artillery Battery Commander Sean Doody ’21, George Demeris ’11, Leo Cruz ’02, Tim Maloney ’93, Tony Johnson ’94, Dave Toomey ’85, Nick Barry ’13, Pat Keefe ’90, Al Aldenberg ’93, Mark Sullivan ’95, Jake Sotiriadas ’03, Liz Kennedy ’01, Juliet Lisky ’15, Olga Ryan ’94, Richard Sarmiento ’96, Brian Doyle ’94, Rick La Vache ’13, Cadet Colonel Matt Cutting ’22, Bill McIntosh ’95, Rick Price ’92, Mike Babyak ’92, Daniel Schumaker ’96, Katie Hathaway ’12, The Fins and Feathers, Mary Beth Davis ’19, Brandon Beal ’12, Bobby DeLotto ’12, Josh Paille ’11, The Fins & Feathers, John Collins ’90, Mark Stainbrook ’91, Tahina Montoya ’08, George Hasselback ’97, Wendy Sampson ’89, Jenn Zarycki ’20, Katarina Wabrek ’16, Andrea Moreno ’16, Men’s Hockey Coach Cam Ellsworth, Jim Gentile ’12, Patricia and Dr. Michael Parry (Brian Bill’s parents), Wrestling Coach Alex Whitney ’08, Ed Tracy, Drukhshan Farhad ’23, Brian Raymond ’90, Andrew Bannon ’96, Gabriel Williams ’23, Trevor Albertson ’12, Buddy Hackett ’90/’92, Donnie Simpson ’10 M’20, Cadet Colonel Ryan Cranston ’23, Paul Magness ’95, Paul Parsons ’89, Keith Aucoin ’01, Gabi Cunha ’23, Major General Mark O’Neil ’86 (USA, Retired), Dan Lay, J.D. ’83, Lieutenant General John J. Broadmeadow ’83 (USMC, Ret), President Emeritus Richard W. Schneider, John Palo ’93, Annie Redmond ’83, NU Strength Coach Scott Caulfield, Trustee Frank Leija M’06, Jana (Hurst) Raymond ’90, LTG David Fridovich, Chris Kristian ’83, Lee Boyer ’93, Lauren “Trash Can” Lobkowicz ’16, Rick Van Arnam ’84, Anala Arcari ’90, Brigadier General Shane Morgan ’94, Brett Taylor ’97, Phil Soucy ’73, Kellie Barhight ’00, Cadet Colonel Hank Dennee ’24, Dr. Julia Becerra Bernard, Athletic Director Ed Hockenbury, Matt Stavro ’94, Kevin Seery ’18, Prof Elizabeth Gurion, Bryan Radliff ’90, Dana Dexter ’03, Keith Barrett ’80, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Alan DeForest ’75, Kazem Yahyapour ’80, Jeff Katz ’73, Rob Appleton ’92, Recruit Borthwick ’27, Matt Bambrick M’10, Phoptographer Mark Collier, Kevin Flannery ’66, Gretchen (McAllister) Archambault ’96, Producer Christian Clark, CSM Tom Freudenthal, Head Football Coach Bill Russell, Basheer Ilyas ’88, Mick Braun ’93 & many more.

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